January 9, 2010

Sore Throat.

I woke up with a bad sore throat. I must have caught cold yesterday, but I think it's because I got furious at the news I read about an Indian student 29 y who was set on fire alive, in that shit hole called Australia. Like it's not enough that Australians kill Afghan kids, they need to set their students on fire too. Then some dickhead on twitter was finding 1001 excuses as to why Australia is not be called a shit hole to be boycotted.

Any ways my sore throat is bad. So this is a recipe that usually works.

- Fresh grated ginger in pot, add boiling water, boil thoroughly, pour in cup, add FRESH lemon juice and honey.

I like to have the honey apart like a cough syrup, as it looses it healing effectiveness when diluted in hot liquids.

OK, now time to go and heal my self...and yeah Australia is a shit hole.

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